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Nicholas is at the point now that he is curious about absolutely everything. He wants to see how everything works, what it does, and if he can take it apart.
So, in the interest of not having everything in my house dissected by my two year old, we spent the weekend looking for ways to appease his curious little nature. We ended up with what Nicholas thought was a pretty cool, color mixing science experiment that is perfect for toddlers and preschoolers.
Preschool Color Mixing Experiment
What you’ll need:
3 clear cups/glasses
A paper towel
Food coloring
Fill 2 of your cups with water and add blue food coloring to one and yellow food coloring to the other (or really any combination that you would like). Leave your third cup empty.
Next, cut your paper towel in half and fold your halves into 2 long strips. Take one of your strips and put one end in the blue water and the other end into the empty cup. Do the same with the other strip in the yellow water.
This was Nicholas’ favorite part, watching the colored water travel up the paper towel.
Just be warned that this does take a little while! We put ours together and checked on it periodically over the next hour or so.
Finally, enjoy the results after the water has “walked” all the way from one cup to the other.
Not only does it make a pretty cool little science experiment for toddlers and preschoolers, but it gives you the perfect opportunity to discuss color mixing and primary vs. secondary colors.