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One of my all time favorite things about my time in school growing up was definitely the class parties. I mean, what kid wouldn’t love getting to have a holiday themed party right in the middle of the school day?
My favorite party? Valentine’s day, hands down.
Leading up to the holiday, we would each get to create our very own Valentine box and every one would be just as unique as the student that made it.
Now, as a parent, I want my children to be able to share in those same experiences. To look forward to those special times throughout the year when school time becomes just a little bit more special.
Even though we’ve decided to homeschool, I want to make sure that they don’t miss out on these types of experiences.
So, late last week, Nicholas and I set out on a mission to make a Valentine box just for him (Skylar acted as our supervisor and since she really didn’t complain, we’re counting this as a win).
Trying to figure out what type of box to make really wasn’t all that hard. See, Nicholas’ newest obsession is Despicable Me. I can not even begin to count the number of times we have watched that movie over the past month. He absolutely loves those minions which made deciding what type of Valentine box to make super easy.
Ready to make your own Minion Valentine box?
Awesome! Here we go!
First, gather up your supplies. You will need:
– A box
– Yellow, white, blue and black construction paper
– Scissors
– Glue
– Aluminum Foil (not pictured)
– A little bit of red construction paper (also not pictured as Nicholas kept running off with supplies while I was trying to get the picture)
Decide which side of your box will be open and cut the flap from that side of the box. This will be the top of your minion.
Cover your box (leaving the opening uncovered) in your yellow construction paper. We just wrapped it like a present and left the box opening uncovered.
Next, cut a strip of your blue construction paper that is a little less than half the height of your box and glue it onto the bottom half of your box, wrapping it around the sides.
Cut two rectangles from your blue construction paper and two circles from your black and glue them on to create your minion’s overalls.
From your black construction construction paper, cut an oval shape for the mouth and a long thin strip for his goggles. At this point, you may have to chase down your toddler to retrieve the minion after he steals it from your photo shoot :)
Give your minion some facial features! Use your red construction paper to make a tongue and your white and black to make teeth and an eye.
Now, the fun part. Cut a strip of paper that is about an inch wide and long enough that it will fit in a circle around your minion’s eye.
Wrap your paper in aluminum foil and trim the edges so that they match up.
Make a circle with your aluminum wrapped paper and glue it onto your minion.
Cut a strip of aluminum foil that is about half as wide as your paper and wrap it around your circle with about 1/4 inch sticking up over the top of your circle.
Fold this extra foil over to create the rim of the minion’s goggles.
Finish him off with a pocket for his overalls and maybe some feet and there you go! You’re all finished and ready for a truly despicable Valentine’s Day!