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Whew! If it seems like it’s been a bit since we last updated our alphabet book, well, its because it has been a while.
With baby #3 on the way, things around our home have been a bit busier than usual and I am just now getting the chance to sit down long enough to go through these photos and get these posts up.
Not to worry though! This next alphabet craft will prove well worth the wait! The newest addition to our book, affectionately named “Olly” the octopus was perfect for the uppercase letter O and even more appropriate right now as summer is officially here! At least in our neck of the woods.
This fun little guy made for the silliest crafting session with the preschooler yet and is such a great way to work on cutting our circles and rounded shapes with those scissors.
Of course, the first thing you’ll want to do, as always, is gather up your craft supplies! You’ll need:
- A sheet of white card stock
- Scissors
- Glue
- Various colors of construction paper
Let your little ones pick out the colors they want. You really can’t go wrong with this one :)
One thing I would suggest when it comes to picking out colors is to have them pick 4 or 5 different ones, plus white.
The white will obviously be for the eyes, but for the other colors, you’ll want lots of different colors so that when you put the whole octopus together, you can actually see all of the different parts.
From one color, you’ll need to cut out a large uppercase letter O. From another, 8 arms (or tentacles, whichever you prefer), 2 white circles for the eyes, and various sized circles from your other colors for the suction cups on the arms of the octopus.
For our project, the little guy decided that he wanted his octopus to have a purple head so that’s what we went with.
Just have your child glue their letter O to the top of their sheet of card stock, relatively in the middle, so that you have plenty of room for the arms.
Once that’s glued down, start adding the arms. Just spread them out along the bottom of the page so that they end up looking like a fan under your letter O.
Now for the fun part! Adding all of those suction cups in various sizes and colors :)
Add as many or as few as you like.
Add a few white circles to the top of your letter for the eyes.
And finish his eyes and mouth off with a crayon.
You won’t find a more adorable addition to your alphabet book anytime soon!
Complete the whole project with the uppercase letter O alphabet page and you’re all set!