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Next up in our series of alphabet book crafts is the uppercase letter C!
I know I say this just about every single time we make one of these but they really are super easy to make and this one is no different!
For letter C we decided to go with something that is both cute and colorful :) Â A caterpillar!
Of course, if you want, you can always make your caterpillar a single color so that it does look more accurately like a real caterpillar, but we were having so much fun with the colors of the rainbow at the time we made this, that we just didn’t want to stop!
To make this cute little creepy crawly, you’ll need:
- Construction paper (in a variety of rainbow colors if you’d prefer a more colorful caterpillar)
- Card stock
- Scissors
- Pipe cleaners
- Glue
- Googly eyes
- Tape (again, just to attach the pipe cleaners as glue doesn’t work very well with those)
To start, you’ll need to make some circles on your construction paper. Â If you’re super awesome and can draw decent looking circles freehand, more power to you! Â If you’re anything like me and your freehanded circles look more like the melting clock from Alice in Wonderland, by all means, find something to trace :)
To make the full upper letter C, we traced and cut 8 circles and arranged them in rainbow order.
At this point, see if your little one knows how to make a letter C all on their own. Â Let them arrange the circles until they create the correct shape and them glue them onto your piece of card stock.
Of course, this wouldn’t be an adorably cute caterpillar if it didn’t include googly eyes :) Â Attach the eye, grab a crayon, and let your preschooler give him a smile!
To finish him up, just have your child draw on some legs and use your pipe cleaner to make the antenna. Â Again, you’ll probably want to use tape for attaching the pipe cleaners as they just seem to slide around in glue and we have never been able to get them stay where we put them.
If you’re doing this craft as part of the alphabet book, you know the drill :) Â Punch holes into your card stock so that you can add your caterpillar to the book and add him and the uppercase letter C page to your alphabet book.