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Over the past couple of months, Legos have become a little bit of an obsession in our house.
No matter how many times we pick them up and put them back into their bin, I can almost guarantee you that by the end of the day, they’ll be strung out all over the floor again and multiple “buildings” will be under construction.
Now, Legos in and of themselves can be very educational as they work the small motor muscles, sharpen problem solving skills, and deliver a little early math practice. In fact, back when this fascination began, we found quite a few ways to learn with Legos to enhance some of that math practice.
As the Lego obsession continues and our creations become a little more complex, I started searching for more ways to include one of our favorite toys in our daily learning.
What I found actually went way beyond math and gave us some pretty cool ideas that we can’t wait to try.