If you couldn’t tell from the ever growing list of free printables here on the site, I absolutely love making printable resources to both use with my own children and share with fellow parents, teachers, and homeschoolers.
Please keep in mind however, that a lot of time, money, and effort has gone into creating these and in order for me to continue to produce them, the following guidelines must be respected.
You are more than welcome to:
- download the printables by visiting fromabcstoacts.com.
- save the files to your personal computer and print off copies for your family or personal classroom.
- print as many copies as you would like to use in your own home, classroom, or public library.
- link directly to a blog post to share the printables with others.
- post to your own personal blog or website, using your own photos of your children using the downloads, as long as proper credit is given to fromabcstoacts.com.
You may not:
- host any of my files on your own or other websites (this includes storage sites like Drop Box, 4Shared, Facebook files/forums, or any other site off of your personal computer.
- link directly to the PDF files. Instead, please link to the blog post where the printable can be found.
- claim any of these files as your own.
- alter any of these files in any way.
- sell or in any way profit from these files. All files on fromabcstoacts.com are for PERSONAL USE only. You may not use these downloads to sell a product or service, to increase traffic to a website, print off to sell the printed copies, or use them to generate a profit in any way.
- email these files or transmit them in any other fashion.
- cut out or reuse the graphics and clip art contained with these files.
All downloads are copyright protected and are for personal, non-commercial use only.
I reserve the right to modify the terms of this Agreement at any time; modification shall be effective immediately and shall replace all prior Agreements.
If you are still unsure about a use or have any questions, please feel free to contact me via the form on our Contact page or email me directly at amber (at) fromabcstoacts (dot) com.